More quittings & Fests.

Louisville’s pop-punkers Pocketbomb are officially calling it quits. No word on why their “dance party” is ending, but they are playing the 2 shows listed on the shows page, taking a break to relearn all the old songs not on their new record (Intentions) and playing one last show in late summer/early fall.
Tony Ash has reportedly left Coliseum, but I haven’t talked to anyone in the band, so don’t quote me on it (although I know you will. fuckers).

Lords is still looking for a full time bass player that can tour and put up with them.
Jeff Drake from Squarewell is busy putting together a music fest to somewhat augment/take over from Louisville’s past music fests. His new label/booking company, Schrodinger Records will be putting on the fest August 20th and 21st on the Belvedere. Bands confirmed so far are as follows: ayin, squarewell, your highness, a suburban blood drive, unit like stereo. Bands are still being sought out to play, and a full site devoted to the fest should be up on the label’s site shortly. Label’s Webpage.