In Search Of…
The Louisville Hardcore audio archive has… a lot… of stuff in it. Albums, singles, some practice tapes, interviews, podcast episodes, unreleased tracks, and more. But as any archivist knows, there’s always more out there. So here’s some things that are currently in the ‘want’ list, in case anyone has copies that they’re willing to share or sell:
- Grimewar – full length
- Truce – anything besides the 502 comp tracks
- The Dick For – anything besides the 502 comp tracks
- Practice tapes or live recordings for any band that isn’t Slint**
- Perilous Derelicts – any recordings
- Charisma Society – demo/full length
- Empyrean – anything
- Full Contact – demo or anything else
- Armbar demo
- Unreleased Union recordings
- Any Moirai beyond the s/t CD
- Open Fields demo CD
- Great Floods – anything
- Tears To Glory demo/cd
- Yee-Oh-Hay-Tribe – anything
- Discount Dracula
- Pretty much any demos
- Track list and/or any liner notes for Not Quite Super Heroes CDs. Have the discs but not song titles.
- B.S.P./Dead City Rejects – anything
- Inane – They Want You – any proposed cover art or liner notes (have a copy, but not officially released)
- Inane – demo
- Left Out CD put out on Better Days, or better – the U.S.R. demo
All audio will be digitized for the LHxC archive for now and be available to those who contribute and the occasional researchers that hit up the site. Unfortunately due to licensing and copyright considerations, the archive can not be made fully public. However, everything will eventually end up with the LUMA as well.
** Not an intentional diss, just already have a number of the more common live recordings